
Monday 20 November 2017


These are the only photographs I managed to do today!  I had an accident with my camera - it fell on the ground and landed on the lens, causing damage, so it wouldn't take any more photographs!  I took it into a local camera shop who have sent it away for a quote for repairs.  Apparently, this will take two weeks, and if I agree to the price it will be a further 2 weeks for the repair!  We really do live in a throwaway society.  I expect I could get a new camera for the cost of having it put right.  I shall just have to wait and see...

Actually, it wasn't a good day for taking pictures.  It was grey and damp, but it was still great to get out into the fresh air in the footpaths and fields around Shepton.  There was plenty of talking as Jenny and I had a good catch-up...

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